Making a difference

During my lifetime I have learned that the way to achieve an important goal is to make it so important that all the things you think, say and do are aimed directly at achieving that goal. President Biden came into office promising he would bring the country together. perhaps he has tried, but it seems fair to say that he has not yet succeeded. He could perhaps take a giant step towards this vitally important goal with this speech.  Giving it might make him into one of our greatest statesmen.

“My fellow Americans, I come before you tonight with two important announcements. As you know, I took office promising to reduce the divisions in our country. I believe that both of tonight’s announcements will do much to reduce the divisiveness across our great nation.

Let me say, before the announcements that I believe Former President Donald Trump has acted irresponsibly in two specific areas. First, he has retained highly classified documents without legal authorization to do so. Secondly, he has undertaken actions to overturn the 2020 election results. These actions have caused many Americans to question the validity of our elections and that is a serious situation.

Regardless, I am directing attorney general Merrick Garland to halt both indictments that the Justice Department has brought against Former President Trump and others who participated in the effort to overturn the election or in the conspiracy to retain highly sensitive documents. I will also ask Merrick Garland to work with the authorities in New York and Georgia to halt their actions against Donald Trump and others. I will take this action not to excuse the wrongdoing that has occurred, but rather in the interest of avoiding the spectacle of divisive trials. The country needs to come together, and I believe that avoiding public trials will bring us closer to becoming a united nation.

There will be those who will disagree with this decision and certainly it is within their right to hold such beliefs. While prosecution might be indicated legally, I believe that the reduction of our national division is a higher priority.

My second announcement is that I will immediately cease my  campaign to run for a second term. I can see that many Americans are looking for a fresh and younger person to lead our nation than either myself or Former President Trump. Because of the numbers of Americans who are seeking different alternatives I would ask that Former President Trump follow my lead. Neither of us are the first choice of most of our citizens.

It has been the honor of my lifetime to serve as president of the United states and I have always believed that those who have this honor must put the best interest of the country ahead of personal interests. I look forward to serving the remainder of my term and will do my utmost to pursue the unfinished work before us.

Thank you for listening and for your support of our great country. Good night and God Bless The United States of America.”

Giving this speech would be a testimony that putting the country first would make a difference and that it is still possible to do so.  

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